HOY: Taller y mesa redonda sobre el Manifiesto ‘Social Media for Social Innovation’

Después de algunos meses de preparación, estamos muy contentos y orgullosos de celebrar el workshop sobre Social Innovation and Social Media (SISoM), esta mañana en el edificio IMAGINA, y la mesa redonda sobre ‘Social Media for Social Innovation: a Manifesto Draft’, esta tarde en el nuevo edificio de Telefónica en Barcelona.

Si queréis participar en la discusión o simplemente seguirla, lo podréis hacer en Twitter a través de nuestro hashtag #SISoM.

El objetivo principal de esta jornada, es la discusión del primer borrador del manifiesto sobre ‘Social Media for Social Innovation’. En su versión actual, incluye el ‘por qué’ consideramos necesario un manifiesto, lo que pretendemos con el, lo que nos proponemos hacer y a quién lo dirigimos. Además, propone las siguientes ‘research questions’:

RQ1. Which are the characteristics of the outstanding policy questions which would make them more amenable to be helped by social innovation?

RQ2. What is the current perception by policy makers of the potential of social innovation to address outstanding social and policy problems? Which are the social and policy challenges? Which are the technological challenges?

RQ3. Which are the conceptual stages of policy making and/or implementation in which social innovations could potentially have greater impact? (e.g. identification of problems and issues, policy design, modeling and simulation, implementation, management, …)

RQ4. Which are the functional primitives of Social Media that would be potentially most relevant for fostering social innovations in the public policy domain? What would be the requirements? How can the performance of currently available platforms, tools and services be measured and compared to those requirements?

RQ5. How can the results of the research of Elinor Ostrom and others regarding the rules and conditions that allow bottom-up organizations to succeed be potentially translated to social scenarios in which social media technologies would be widely available?

RQ6. Which modeling strategies and tools would be best suited to model the potential impact of social media on policy design, evaluation and implementation? (e.g. increased user feedback, distributed coordination and management among others).

RQ7. What would be the functional and performance requirements of a Social Media Toolbox that would be useful for policy practitioners to best exploit the potential of social innovation?

Si queréis participar en este proceso, podéis comentarlo en este blog, discutirlo en Twitter con el hashtag #SISoM o participar en la siguiente Plataforma de Diálogo

Esperamos vuestras aportaciones y vuestros comentarios. ¡Gracias!

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