Social Innovation in Education » SISoM 2011 Blog de la Cátedra Telefónica-UPF Tue, 24 Jan 2017 00:02:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dos culturas sociales, por lo menos Thu, 29 Sep 2011 12:07:46 +0000 Ricard Ruiz de Querol La experiencia de asistir la semana pasada al evento “Challenge Social Innovation” en Viena fue productiva e interesante.

Productiva, porque presentamos allí (.ppt) nuestro “Manifiesto sobre Social Media e Innovación Social“, que durante las próximas semanas difundiremos solicitando adhesiones.

Además, a raíz de ésa y otras intervenciones en la Conferencia, se aprobó incluir como uno de los temas prioritarios en el “Declaración de Viena” sobre la innovación social la consideración del potencial de los Social Media para potenciar la innovación social sistémica y a gran escala.

De otra parte, la conferencia sirvió para comprobar cuánto tiene de espinosa la cuestión “social”:

  • Los participantes debatieron durante dos días, sin llegar a conclusiones definitivas, acerca de cuándo una innovación merece calificarse (o no) como social.
  • Una buena parte de los participantes, encuadrados en la comunidad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, manifestó más o menos abiertamente su dificultad (cuando no reticencia) a incorporar la influencia real o potencial de las TIC y los medios sociales a sus programas de investigación social.

Lo que se detecta, en mi opinión, es una brecha notoria entre la perspectiva ‘social’ de muchos de los profesionales de la sociología y la perspectiva ‘social’ de los abanderados de los ‘social media’. Algo similar a la brecha entre los conceptos de ‘cultura’ de las comunidades humanistas y científicas que C.P. Snow describió brillantemente en los años 50.

Pensando en cómo salvar esta brecha y atraer investigadores y proyectos sobre la intersección de los Social Media y la innovación social,

¿Qué os parece más práctico?:

(a) Incentivar la sensibilidad y el interés social en la comunidad de las TIC?
(b) Incentivar la sensibilidad hacia lo tecnológico en la comunidad de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades?
(c) Dar a ambos por imposibles y olvidarse del asunto.

Nos interesan vuestras opiniones. Os agradeceremos que nos las hagáis llegar.

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Roundtable Discussion of a Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation Thu, 14 Jul 2011 07:44:10 +0000 Karolin Kappler

The Telefónica Chair on Social Media of the Univeristy Pompeu Fabra, with the support of Telefónica, invites you to a Roundtable Discussion of a Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation.


Most of the current hype around Social Media turns around its use for leisure and entertainement and the opportunities thereby generated for the marketing and advertisement industries: the “attention industry”. While those applications are and will be relevant indeed, they only touch the surface of the “social” potential of the Social Media. Communication mechanisms are one of the threads in the fabric of societies. The new communication and coordination possibilities afforded by the Social Media could be used for a societal evolution going much beyond the economics of leisure and consumption.
In this context, the Telefónica Chair on Social Media of the University Pompeu Fabra, with the support of the Telefónica, is promoting a Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation. Its objective is to propose actions oriented extract the best of the potential synergies among those two social concepts. The Manifesto will put forward a frame of principles and intentions that, if widely shared, would help using the Social Media in order to fight the limitations of speed and scale that need to be overcome for Social Innovation to become an alternative to currently established institutional mechanisms.
The agreement on a first version of the Manifesto is included in the agenda of the workshop on Social Innovation and Social Media (SISoM) which will take place during the 5th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-11) in Barcelona. The objective of the Roundtable, which will be open to a wider audience than the Workshop, is to foster a wider discussion,elaboration and dissemination of the Manifesto.
The final version of the Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation will be presented at the event Challenge Social Innovation – Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter that will take place in September in Vienna.


When: July 21st, 2011; 15.30 - 18.30
Where: Telefónica Building. Diagonal 00, Barcelona (map)
15.30-15.45 Welcome and presentation of the first draft of the Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation 

  • Dr. Ricard Ruiz de Querol, Cátedra Telefónica UPF, Chairman of SISoM 2011
15.45-16.45 Round table on theoretical and practical views of the Manifesto on Social Media for Social Innovation  

  • Dr. John Postill (visiting professor at the UOC/IN3, expert on social movements and Social Media) will comment on his current research on social movements in Catalonia
  • Bruno Vilarasau (Telefónica) will present the first results of the project ‘Ciutadania 4.0’
  • Sofía Fernández de Mesa (Telefónica) will present the perspective of Social Innovation from a corporate viewpoint
  • Genis Roca (Roca Salvatella), will present his views about the evolution of social media as a platform for social innovation
  • Dr. Bastian Pelka (T.U. Dortmund) will present the “Challenge Social Innovation” (Vienna, September 2011)
17.00-18.00 Open debate on the Manifesto issues and proposals 

  • Requirements and design of new Social Media tools
  • Challenges and opportunities of social innovation
18.00-18.30 Summary, next steps and closing



The event is free,  however if you would like to attend, please send an email to

There is a practical limit in the number of participants in an open debate as the one we envisage. Therefore, the number of attendants will be strictly limited.

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